A visão do funcionário sobre sua atuação como impacto para o crescimento da empresa


  • Paula Vanessa Alecrins Silva UDF
  • Mariana Silva Viana UDF
  • Patrícia Cristina Gama da Costa UDF


Organizational psychology, employee motivation, employee's view


This is a quantitative research carried out through the application of an online questionnaire, carried out with the employees of a private company, where the objective is to identify what is the employee's view of his performance as an impact for the company's growth as his opinion about other aspects that influence your commitment. Therefore, the work contains contributions from some studies in a conceptual way. Therefore, with this intentional survey, some considerations will be answered to the question raised in its objective.


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Author Biographies

Paula Vanessa Alecrins Silva, UDF

Graduanda do curso de Psicologia da UDF.

Mariana Silva Viana, UDF

Graduanda do curso de Psicologia da UDF.

Patrícia Cristina Gama da Costa, UDF

Profª Drª do curso de Psicologia da Universidade do Distrito Federal (UDF).



How to Cite

Silva, P. V. A., Viana, M. S., & Costa, P. C. G. da. (2021). A visão do funcionário sobre sua atuação como impacto para o crescimento da empresa. Monumenta - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 2(2), 37–50. Retrieved from https://revistaunibf.emnuvens.com.br/monumenta/article/view/38


