Development of a Smart Greenhouse Using the Arduino Platform in the Context of Education 5.0


  • Lucas Matias dos Santos UNESPAR - Campus de Paranavaí
  • Valter Soares de Camargo UNESPAR - Campus de Paranavaí



Program, Sustainability, Robotics, Applied Mathematics, Automation


This project describes the theoretical development of a smart greenhouse using the Arduino platform, with the aim of integrating robotics and programming lessons with environmental awareness, addressing sustainability issues according to Capra (2003), which often do not receive enough attention in traditional teaching. In line with the principles of Education 5.0, which emphasizes collaboration between humans and machines, the project aims to demonstrate the practical application of mathematics in everyday situations. Mathematics is used for the calibration of temperature, humidity and light sensors, as well as for data analysis and the development of automated control algorithms for the greenhouse. Methodologically, the project incorporates the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data, enabling real-time monitoring and optimization of environmental conditions. The simulation is carried out using the Tinkercad software, making it easier for students in the final years of elementary school to get to grips with electronics and programming. The expected results include a significant improvement in students' understanding of programming and robotics concepts, as well as greater awareness of sustainable practices. It is concluded that the project has the potential to be an effective educational tool, promoting interdisciplinarity and preparing students for future challenges.


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Author Biographies

Lucas Matias dos Santos, UNESPAR - Campus de Paranavaí

Acadêmico do Curso de Licenciatura em Matemática. Atualmente, desenvolve projetos focados na interseção entre educação e tecnologia, explorando aplicações da matemática em ambientes práticos e inovadores, como a robótica educacional e a sustentabilidade.

Valter Soares de Camargo, UNESPAR - Campus de Paranavaí

possui graduação em Licenciatura em Matemática pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (2002), mestrado em Matemática pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (2005) e doutorado em Matemática Aplicada pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2015). Membro do grupo de pesquisa Manna Academy: ecossistema de pesquisa, extensão e difusão de tecnologias e educação 5.0. Atualmente é professor Adjunto da Universidade Estadual do Paraná – UNESPAR – Campus de Paranavaí. Tem experiência na área de Matemática Aplicada, com ênfase em Matemática Discreta e Combinatória, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Geometria de distâncias, Conformação Molecular e Educação 5.0.



How to Cite

Santos, L. M. dos, & Camargo, V. S. de. (2024). Development of a Smart Greenhouse Using the Arduino Platform in the Context of Education 5.0. Monumenta - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 9(9), 1–5.



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