Cálculo da Área de uma Praça Circular
um relato de experiência
Geometria, Resolução de Problemas, Figuras geométricasAbstract
This experience report deals with the activity developed in the extension project of the Problem Solving subject of the 1st year of the Mathematics course at UNESPAR - Paranavaí Campus, which challenged the students to find strategies to calculate the area of a circular square without using the circumference formula, which would be the most practical way to solve it. The aim of the project is to propose alternative methods, using logical and deductive reasoning, based on high school students' knowledge of geometry. The activity was carried out at the State Civic-Military College Silvio Vidal with a group of 9 students from the 2nd year of the Technical Administration course. The main aim was to make the teaching and learning process more engaging by working together and coming up with ideas to find the area of the square using other geometric figures. During the activity, it became clear that it provided moments of interaction and relaxation, favoring the learning of the participants, especially between the academics and the primary school students. It should be noted that this extension project brought different ways of calculating the area of a circle and highlighted the creativity of the students, who, through constructive speech, managed to measure and represent the area of the circular square on a smaller scale.