The importance of using social media for children's cognitive development in the classroom


  • Sandra Regina Dorne União Brasileira de Faculdades (UNIBF) / Secretaria da Educação (SEED)
  • Greyce Contini Pilati União Brasileira de Faculdades (UNIBF) / Secretaria da Educação (SEED)
  • Claudinéia Conationi da Silva Franco União Brasileira de Faculdades (UNIBF) / Faculdade de Administração, Humanas e Exatas (UniFAHE)



Child, Media, Interaction, Early Childhood Education


The aim of this article is to discuss the influence that media have on children's cognitive development when used as a teaching tool. The use of social media in the classroom allows students to share their knowledge, develop their subjectivity and broaden their criticality. For the theoretical basis of this study, we opted for qualitative bibliographical research. Thus, this study will discuss the cognitive development of children, taking into account the arguments of Piaget and Vygotsky, and how social media can contribute to this process and how it affects the educational process.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Regina Dorne, União Brasileira de Faculdades (UNIBF) / Secretaria da Educação (SEED)

Mestre em Educação (UEM). Docente na UniBF e SEED - PR.

Greyce Contini Pilati, União Brasileira de Faculdades (UNIBF) / Secretaria da Educação (SEED)

Mestre em Matemática (PROFMAT/UEM). Docente da UniBF, SEED - PR e do Programa: PIC da OBMEP.

Claudinéia Conationi da Silva Franco, União Brasileira de Faculdades (UNIBF) / Faculdade de Administração, Humanas e Exatas (UniFAHE)

Professora Doutora em Biologia Celular e Molecular - (PBC/UEM). Docente da UniBF e UniFAHE.



How to Cite

Dorne, S. R., Pilati, G. C., & Franco, C. C. da S. (2024). The importance of using social media for children’s cognitive development in the classroom. Monumenta - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 7(7), 111–124.


