Initial training in special and inclusive education

curriculum guidelines and public policies from the perspective of student and teacher reflection


  • Rosana Cristina Miranda Dugois Unoeste
  • Roseane Almeida da Silva Unoeste / UniBF
  • Sandra de Fátima Baccili Castilho de Campos UniBF
  • Sandra Regina Dorne UniBF / SEED-PR



Special education, Inclusive education, Initial Training


This article reflects on the initial training of teachers in Pedagogy degree courses, focusing on the area of special and inclusive education, based on public policies and national and state guidelines, with a focus on the educational policies of the State of São Paulo, related to teachers and students who work with Special Education Public Students (EPAEE), with the aim of promoting a dialog between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), National and State Curriculum Guidelines and theoretical references. The methodology was based on a documentary analysis of public policies and public documents from three HEIs in a municipality in the interior of the state of São Paulo, located in the western region. After dialoguing between the documents and the context of the HEIs, it was concluded that there is a need to revise public policies and the curricular guidelines for initial training courses.


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Author Biographies

Rosana Cristina Miranda Dugois, Unoeste

He holds a degree in Special Secondary Training Teachers from the University of Marília (1993), a degree in Mathematics from the Faculty of Mauá (2001) and a degree in Pedagogy from the Educational Institute of the State of São Paulo (2003). He has a lato sensu postgraduate degree in Curriculum Management for Coordinating Teachers from the University of São Paulo. He worked in the public education network in the state of São Paulo. She is currently a specialist professor at the Faculty of Birigui (2008 - current). Has experience in the area of ​​Psychology, training in Mathematics Teaching methodology and practices, with an emphasis on Inclusive Education, Development of learning in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. Studying for a PhD in Education in Research Line 1: ?Public Policies in Education, Educational Practices and Diversity? at the University of Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE - Presidente Prudente, course in progress.

Roseane Almeida da Silva, Unoeste / UniBF

PhD student in Education at UNOESTE, Research Line Training and action of teaching professionals and educational practices, Master's in Education at PUCPR - Research Line: Pedagogical Theory and Practice in Teacher Training (2010), Specialization in Philosophy Teaching Methodology at the University Federal University of Paraná (2016), Specialization in Distance Learning from UNINTER (2003), Degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Paraná (2001) and Degree in Pedagogy from Faculdade São Braz (2015). Academic Director and Institutional Attorney at UNIBF (current). Professor at Faculdade Modelo (2018-2020). Director of Distance Education at Uniandrade (2018). Member of NEaD at the Faculty of Industry IEL/FIEP (2012-2017). Teaching Coordinator at Faculdade São Braz (2015-2016). Tutoring Supervisor at the Federal Institute of Paraná - IFPR (2013). Responsible for the preparation and implementation of distance learning projects at the then CENINTER, later FATEC Internacional, today the UNINTER Educational Group (2001-2010). Country. She worked as coordinator of Specialization and Undergraduate Courses at Facinter - UNINTER Educational Group. Has experience in institutional assessment and educational legislation; design and implementation of undergraduate, postgraduate and extension courses in face-to-face and distance learning modes; evaluation of educational scenarios, platforms and materials; leadership and coordination of multidisciplinary teams. Teaches subjects in the areas of Philosophy, Pedagogy and those specific to the Distance Education modality. She has been producing teaching materials for distance learning since 2008. Author of the book Caminhos da Filosofia (2018).

Sandra de Fátima Baccili Castilho de Campos, UniBF

I completed my 2nd TEACHING MAGISTERY degree in 1986 and began my career as a basic education teacher in 1987 where I worked for 14 years. In 1996, I completed Higher Education in Pedagogy and was invited to work in pedagogical coordination at the State School, and at the private school, due to the experience gained during my time teaching and training, I worked in this role for years. In 2003, I completed a postgraduate degree in SCHOOL PEDAGOGY with an emphasis on Supervision, Guidance and School Administration and TRAINING TUTORS FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION and was invited to work at Tutoring in Higher Education, working due to my vast experience in the Higher education performing tutoring positions, higher education coordination and in-person, consultancy and higher pedagogical coordination. (Text provided by the author)

Sandra Regina Dorne, UniBF / SEED-PR

 Mestre em Educação (UEM). Docente da UniBF e SEED/PR.



How to Cite

Dugois, R. C. M., Silva, R. A. da, Campos, S. de F. B. C. de, & Dorne, S. R. (2024). Initial training in special and inclusive education: curriculum guidelines and public policies from the perspective of student and teacher reflection. Monumenta - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 6(6), 75–86.


